Patch live on all platforms December 6. 2021
All Episodes:
- Updated the music that plays when Sam and Max drive away in the DeSoto. Yes, now it's played by live musicians! Why not. Also fixed are some instances where the DeSoto music was getting cut off at the end of scenes. It now concludes over the load screen as needed.
- Fixed bug preventing the inventory from being disabled when the game is paused. You can no longer browse the pause menu and Sam's inventory at the same time, which we think is for the best.
- Disabled saving the game when in the middle of entering a scene. At the lightest this was causing a few doors to stick open, and a the worst was causing the game to get very, very confused when it loaded back up thinking it was half way between two scenes.
- Fixed bugs around pausing or mashing the menu button immediately upon entering a scene.
- Fixed all in-game mouse cursors being too dark.
- Fixed instances of Sam being stuck running if the run key was held when the game window loses focus. Also fixed instances of Sam's move animation going to slow motion when scraping against the edge of a scene with his gun drawn.
- Removed trailing spaces before line breaks in UI elements. This is a tiny fix but if you noticed it and couldn't sleep once you saw it, you can now finally relax.
- (Xbox only) Fixed HDR being to bright on HDR-compatible Xbox systems.
Episode 1:
- Fixed camera pops when listing symptoms of artificial personality disorder in Sybil's and Asylum Exterior. Also fixed the size of the selection box for the symptoms form, and cleaned up the position Sam paths to to read it (so there's less of a pop).
- Added long-missing "signed" version of the symptoms form inventory icon, so when it returns to your inventory signed, you can see Sybil's signature on it. This texture was made for the original game but never used! (We had to remake it for the remaster because the original was too low res, but now its spirit lives on in the game for the first time.)
- Added new textures for when when Sybil marks & signs the symptoms form, and added close-up shots of form. This is probably the last update the Artificial Personality Disorder symptoms form will ever receive in its 15 year lifespan, but never say never.
- Fixed a camera pop and added a fade out when transitioning from Sybil's to the psychoanalysis office in Sam's dream.
- Fixed blown out dartboard and associated objects in psychoanalysis office.
Episode 2:
- Gamepad UI hotspots (the little yellow circles) no longer also show up on the TV studio monitors.
- Adjusted the timing of when the Midtown Cowboys video clip goes into your inventory, so it happens after the Director has handed it to you, instead of before.
- Fixed Hugh Bliss' music stopping when you ask him for a photo the first time.
- Fixed Hugh Bliss' photo going into your inventory while still in a conversation with him.
Episode 3:
- Fixed instances where the DeSoto's idle sounds were sometimes not playing or not stopping correctly when driving up to the casino.
- Fixed anti-delivery camera sometimes pointing in the wrong direction when Sam puts the magnet on it.
Episode 5:
- Fixed DeSoto VR exit music getting cut off. Unlike the normal DeSoto scene exit music, this version is still performed by a computer.
Episode 6:
- Fixed street parking meters not staying bent/straight.
- Fixed camera pop when flinging Jimmy off parking meter.
- Fixed Sam teleporting and camera pop after selling deed to Sybil.