Patch live on February 17, 2022!
All Episodes:
- Fixed Sam teleporting when clicking both mouse buttons at the same time while gun is drawn. (PC only)
- Fixed game not pausing correctly while pause menu is open if the player got there by mashing escape & spacebar in wild and rapid succession. (PC only) Respect to the person who spent a bunch of time wildly pressing buttons on pause screens until something happened.
- Fixed Sam's hand sometimes clipping into Max's head during "Do you have any..." dialog chores in Bosco's.
- Fixed spelling of "Pharaoh" on billboard outside Sam & Max's office.
- Fixed pop caused by Sam's walk animation playing briefly when entering an interactive dialog.
- Made Sam path to Bosco when using price list in Store to fix pops.
- Fixed Sam walk animation pop and camera drifting after turning Office television off.
- Fixed power lines not connected to anything on the far edge of the street (visible in episode end cutscene).
- Fixed pause menu button text not being perfectly centered. We can all relax now.
Episode 1:
- Added collision handling to NPC vehicles so you can't do this anymore.
- Fixed ghosting at the edge of transparency in Brady painting textures.
- Fixed Jimmy's ear clipping with rat hole during opening cutscene.
- Fixed not being able to send Max into the bathroom after talking to Bosco while Whizzer is whizzing.
Episode 2:
- Updated tabloid textures to use new models.
- Fixed animation and lighting pops in opening cutscene (SM1-1509).
- Fixed using price list initiating Bosco "buy" dialog when you're supposed to be chasing the Skinbodies.
- Changed subtitle to match Myra VO when talking to her in Game Show.
- Fixed camera pop when taking shaving cream in Bosco's.
- Fixed Sam & Peepers animation pops during interactive dialog in Embarrassing Idol.
- Fixed Max's hand clipping into judge's stand after Sam sings in Embarrassing Idol.
Episode 3:
- Updated Whack Da Ratz "1 token" textures to match season two font and resolution.
- Fixed Sam's hat flickering during opening cutscene.
- Fixed card pops while playing poker in Casino.
- Fixed bad camera cut and Max animation that was causing pops when using bug on Leonard in the Office.
- Fixed teddy bear legs sticking out of package after placing it on the table in Bosco's.
Episode 4:
- Fixed Max pop after using the storage door in the White House exterior.
- Fixed phone floating when returning to White House after Superball is no longer on hold. Sorry to Superball's ghost who has been removed from the game.
- Fixed Chuckles floating and Lincoln's hand clipping into podium during Lincoln intro.
- Fixed Max sliding when examining campaign slogans in inventory.
- Fixed camera pop when using television in Office.
- Fixed black sky visible in Lincoln chase intro cutscene. The sky shouldn't turn black until Max's third or fourth presidential term.
- Fixed secret service agent's foot popping off screen during War Song.
- Fixed Bosco talking about funding after he's been funded when you ask him about his missile defense system.
- Fixed spelling of "Do svidaniya" in Bosco dialog.
Episode 5:
- Fixed a small pop in Sam's animation when using Sludgie machine in Bosco's.
- Added military drumroll music and fixed Sam clipping out of the walkable area when using bug on COPS in Lefty's.
- Fixed Slime being visible after running away when attacking with boxing glove in VR Bosco's.
- Fixed Slime not moving all the way off screen when it flees in VR Bosco's.
- Changed text to match Jimmy VO when pushing him into cannon in Bosco's.
- Fixed Bosco distracted animation playing when taking binoculars while he's using VR goggles.
- Fixed Bosco not staying distracted when saving & loading after distracting him.
- Fixed Jimmy VO not playing in Street when examining cannon in inventory.
- Fixed dialog UI hand being visible during interactive dialog after combat.
- Fixed Sam popping back to combat position after fleeing in Street & Bosco's VR.
Episode 6:
- Made note on dartboard in Office double-sided (it's seen from the back during opening cutscene).
- Fixed Max's fingers sticking through boxing glove, floating characters and shadow pops in closing credits.
- Fixed spelling of "Fascist" in Moon Retreat.
- Fixed Sam sometimes obstructing the camera when looking at magazines in Bosco's.
- Fixed Sam clipping into camera when talking to COPS in Moon Retreat.
- Fixed Hugh animation pop when looking at statues in the Inner Sanctum.
- Fixed Green Max pop when feeding him in Bosco's.
- Fixed Bob being visible after Max has returned him when helping Lincoln get a date in Moon Retreat.